Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sandman (Bonus!)

Excuse: The play I'm participating in is this week, so my life is no longer my own. No promises for Friday, but I will attempt further correspondence on Wednesday.

Neil Gaiman revolutionized the comic book industry with his Sandman series. A morbid series concerning Dream, a deified representation of the eternal Morpheus. Morpheus has been imprisoned for the last hundred years and, now that he has escaped, he seeks vengeance and to set his kingdom right. Because of his absence and repercussions it has had on his psyche, Dream must try and mend his relationships with those around him.

It this intriguingly different graphic novel series that can only be described as genius, Gaiman interacts with Shakespeare, urban legends, Nore mythology, and what eternity really means. Above and far beyond the excellence of Watchmen, I would rate Sandman as one of the more significant literary events to happen in the last twenty years.

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