Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Ah, Queen… Proof that the seventies weren’t all bad. Close to all bad though. No matter how much good music I realize is from the seventies, as a collective, that decade sucked. Don’t even deny it. Big hair? Tight shiny pants? Verdict, no thank you.

I don’t really have to tell you that much about this band. They are widely acknowledged as the best thing England has produced since the Beatles (Magna Carta? Not important.). Aside from the frightening clothes and hair, Queen has got style, charisma, and, most importantly, versatility in their music. Most long-lived bands produce the same music with little variety, but Queen defies this trend. Despite, or perhaps because of, their long career and fame, Queen continued to make different sounds that still remained distinct to their group.

Another reason Queen will always remain close to my heart is because all of their songs seem to be two or three songs crammed together into one very long song. It’s always a joy to wait for the random transition to a seemingly different song within the same track. The piano/guitar riffs are catchy, and unlike modern popular bands, they actually have meaningful and interesting lyricism. Meaning, they don’t repeat the same word in the chorus over and over again, like saying the same thing continuously will somehow make it less obnoxious.

Moral of the story: Go refresh your memory of this band, they are just as awesome as you remember. Or, purchase a greatest hits collection.

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