Monday, May 11, 2009

Star Trek

Ah, Star Trek. While the newer movie will never compare to the awesome poor acting and good-hearted racism of the original Star Trek, this is actually a good movie. Better than Superman Returns, but less awesome than the Dark Knight, if that gives you any basis of comparison.

Instead of the cheesy graphics we’re used to, this movie has amazing CGI that is awesome in its own right. I wish so desperately that I had seen it in IMAX so that I could further appreciate the realistic, and yet futuristic, style. Along similar vein, instead of the corny and non-sequitor dialogue I so enjoyed in the past, the actors pull off the dialogue much better in a more believable and humorous way than in the past. However, like every Star Trek movie, the plot can’t make too much sense. There are more plot holes in this movie than your mom’s old sweater, but enough explanations and good acting to make you nonetheless suspend your belief the entire way through.

Moving on to the actors, the new Spock, played by Zachery Quinto, is both sexy and a believable actor. He gives Spock so much more depth than the stiff acting I so desire from Leonard Nimoy, who also is in this movie. I think he is one of the few actors who can be both emotionless and emotive at the same time. The new Kirk, played by Chris Pine (no, I’ve never heard of him either), also puts a different spin on William Shatner. While the elder Kirk was pompous, self-serving, and didn’t realize it, the newer Kirk is self-aware of his womanizing, arrogant self. Also delightful in this movie is the fact that the main character doesn’t get everything that he wants. He does not get the girl he chases after, women do not allow themselves to be walked all over to get into Kirk’s pants, and Kirk frequently loses fights abysmally.

So, go see Star Trek! It’ll be good, whether you are fluent in Klingon or not.


LoquaciousL said...

You mean "suspend your DISbelief."

I particularly enjoyed the way all the characters delivered old catch phrases with a new spin and attitude. I had never heard so much hate put into "Live long and prosper."

Via Media said...

I never can get that phrase straight. I distinctly remember thinking "disbelief," but clearly that did not happen.

LoquaciousL said...

When are you going to post again, slacker?