Thursday, May 07, 2009

Batman: Murder and Wayne Manor (Bonus!)

Most (meaning all) of my bonus pasts have been regarding comic books, graphic novels, and manga (yes, there's a difference). This is a Batman book, but containing mostly word with a few side illustrations. However, this is still a really exciting book. You might think that Batman is always exciting, and you're right. Or, you might think that pictures are nice visual aids, and you're right. Or, you might think murder is cool, but you'd be horribly mistaken in that count.

No, the real reason I think this book is so awesome is that it is 'interactive'; Meaning, there are inserts in the books with different clues that Batman uses to solve the murder, such as an autopsy, a newspaper (with funny unnecessary articles), photographs, and many other tactile delights. For people like me who learn best using visual cues and tactical objects, this is an amazing book. I found myself skipping ahead in the book just to get to the next clue.

If you aren't a tactile enthusiast like I am, or a Batman fanatic like I am, then this will not be enjoyable. However, if you fall into either of those categories, then this is a really funny and interesting book.

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